November 20, 2024


Marty McFly fans, this is not what you have expected but it is pretty close to flying board from Back To The Future movies. Arca Space’s flying board (ArcaBoard) or hoverboard prototype uses 36 battery-powered electric fans to produce 430 pounds of thrust and it can lift one grown person into the air. But, what is the price for this unique joy and experience of flying around. It has really heavy price tag of $20.000. And for this price you can have only 6 minutes of hovering delight (and this is if you are lighter than 80 kg) before recharging it. To recharge the batteries you will need exactly 6 hours or you can purchase ArcaDock that will charge the battery in just 35 minutes for an extra $4,500.


Arca Space’s hoverboard enables stabilization function when it is connected to the smartphone of the person who rides it. And unlike the Hendo and Lexus hoverboards it can glide over all types of surfaces. So, if you have $20K to spend this could be just the toy for you.

Watch the video below to see how it works.

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