November 20, 2024


This is a site about hoverboards, electric scooters, electric bikes and other popular electric rideons. Just in L.A. County 200.000 people search for hoverboards online, each month. That is why we decided to dedicate this site to popular electric rideons in Los Angeles.

If you are selling hoverboards, e-scooters, e-bikes or similar feel free to let us know and we will list your company here, free of charge.

If you are interested to buy one of popular hoverboards and glide through the city check out our hoverboard reviews before deciding which one to buy. Also, check our electric scooter reviews if you are looking to buy one. All reviewed hoverboard, e-scooters, e-bikes and unicycles are in compliance with strict safety rules. We review only high quality products with UL2272 and UL2271 certificates, high end hoverboards, e-scooters, e-bikes etc. made for your fun and joy, nothing else.

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