Say hello to the Epikgo Classic Off-Road Hoverboard, meticulously crafted for durability and boasting an enhanced, robust design, delivering an unparalleled ride across a variety of terrains. Hailing from the tech hub of Silicon Valley, EPIKGO is the visionary company behind this innovation. In addition to the EPIKGO Classic, they proudly offer an impressive range of products, including the EPIKGO Sport and Premier Series of hoverboards, as well as cutting-edge electric skateboards.
First thing that you will notice on Epikgo Classic are 8.5 inches inflatable all-terrain tires with alloy wheels to make the rider feel more powerful and free to ride over gravel, grass, snow, mud and other surfaces. This way hoverboard riders will be able to experience the fun of hoverboard riding like never before. But, be aware that you can’t pass over 10″ deep snow, be realistic!!!

Epikgo Classic Hoverboard: Design and Main Features
If you are looking to buy EPIKGO Classic hoverboard you are on the right track since this brand is a top-notch brand of off-road hoverboards on the market. Epikgo hoverboards are famous as high-quality hoverboards made of premium materials, very durable and reliable.
The Epikgo Classic off-road hoverboard except robust tires and futuristic design has front and rear LED lights enabling rider to use it more safely in dark. It is powered by Li-ion batteries with UL2271 Certified Smart Battery System meaning that there is no fire hayard and it is safe for ride and fun.
Featuring dual 400 W motors (one for each side) with independent Gyros Epikgo Classic is a real beast on the road with maximum speed of 10 mph. Since the body of this model is made of aluminium alloy it is very durable meaning it is made for kids and adults with maximum weight limit of 265 lbs. When fully charged Epikgo Classic can travel up to 10 miles or up to 2 hours, depending on riding conditions and style. After that you will need 2 hours to fully recharge batteries.
On the other hand, the downside of this model is the fact that there are no built-in Bluetooth speakers. If you can’t ride without music than you should buy Epikgo Premier or Epikgo Sport+, but these models are more expensive.
Classic vs Premier vs Sport Series
As we said in the review, there are several similar models of Epikgo hoverboards, but still different enough to make you wander which one is best for you. Epikgo Classic and Premier models are very similar with just a few twists. Epikgo Sport Series include two models; Epikgo Sport and Epikgo Sport+.
The same for all mentioned EPIKGO hoverboards are 8,5″ tires and extra durable chassis giving you opportunity for maximum fun. What are the differences? Well, we give you head to head characteristics of all four models in the table bellow: